Filtriranje 2

Kuće individualna, Istarska županija, Poreč

  • prodam
  • 650.000
  • 21.300 m²
  • 2019


Podatki o novogradnji

Kuće individualna
21.300 m²
251 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija
Na mirni lokaciji, 9 km od mesta Poreč, se gradijo luksuzne hiše z bazeni. Hiše sestavljajo pritličje, nadstropje in mansarda. Visok standard gradnje, okna so alu na troslojna stekla, izolacija po najnovejših standardih. Ogrevanje/hlajenje je preko toplotne črpalke. Hiša se prodaja neopremljena, vendar jo je po dogovoru z investitorjem možno opremiti s pohištvom. Za vse podrobnosti o samem projektu nas kontaktirajte.

Navedena cena ne vsebuje DDV. Opomba: Kupec ne plača 3% davka na promet nepremičnin.
Na mirnoj lokaciji, 9 km od grada Poreča, grade se luksuzne kuće s bazenima. Kuće se sastoje od prizemlja, kata i potkrovlja. Visoki standard izgradnje, stolarija je predviđena aluminijska za troslojnim staklom, izolacija prema najnovijim standardima. Grijanje/hlađenje je preko toplotne pumpe. Kuća se prodaje nenamještena, međutim u dogovoru s investitorom moguće ju je opremiti namještajem. Za sve detalje oko samog projekta, slobodno nam se obratite.

U navedenu cijenu nije uključen PDV. Napomena: kupac ne plaća porez na promet nekretnina 3%.
In ruhiger Lage, 9 km von der Stadt Poreč entfernt, entstehen luxuriöse Häuser mit Pools. Die Häuser bestehen aus Erdgeschoss, Obergeschoss und Dachgeschoss. Hoher Standard der Konstruktion, Fensterbau ist Aluminium für Drei-Scheiben-Glas, Isolierung nach den neuesten Standards zur Verfügung gestellt. Heizen/Kühlen erfolgt über eine Wärmepumpe. Das Haus steht unmöbliert zum Verkauf, kann aber nach Absprache mit dem Investor mit Möbeln ausgestattet werden. Für alle Details zum Projekt wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.

Der angegebene Preis ist ohne Mehrwertsteuer. Hinweis: Der Käufer zahlt nicht die 3 % Grunderwerbsteuer.
In a quiet location, 9 km from the town of Poreč, luxury houses with swimming pools are being built. The houses consist of ground floor, first floor and attic. High standard of construction, joinery is provided aluminum for the three-pane glass, insulation according to the latest standards. The heating/cooling is via a heat pump. The house is for sale unfurnished, but in agreement with the investor it is possible to equip it with furniture. For any details about the project itself, feel free to contact us.

The stated price does not include VAT. Note: The buyer does not pay the 3% real estate transfer tax.
In a quiet location, 9 km from the town of Poreč, luxury houses with swimming pools are being built. The houses consist of ground floor, first floor and attic. High standard of construction, joinery is provided aluminum for the three-pane glass, insulation according to the latest standards. The heating/cooling is via a heat pump. The house is for sale unfurnished, but in agreement with the investor it is possible to equip it with furniture. For any details about the project itself, feel free to contact us.

The stated price does not include VAT. Note: The buyer does not pay the 3% real estate transfer tax.

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