Filtriranje 2

Kuće individualna, Istarska županija, Višnjan

  • prodam
  • 1.450.000
  • 54.000 m²
  • 2004


Podatki o novogradnji

Kuće individualna
54.000 m²
1.404 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija
Prodamo prenovljeno kamnito hišo, v celoti namenjeno oddajanju sob in apartmajev!

Hiša je bila leta 2004 nadgrajena z drugim delom. Skupaj je 500 m2 bivalne površine, to je 7 stanovanjskih enot - sob, apartmajev in garsonjer, 1404 m2 vrta in 37,37 m2 shrambe. Pomembno je omeniti, da se nepremičnina nahaja v samem starem mestnem jedru istrskega mesta, na hribu, s katerega je na eni strani čudovit pogled na morje, na drugi strani pa pogled na gore. Hiša ima tudi skupni bazen. Za več informacij nas kontaktirajte!
Prodaje se renovirana kamena kuća kompletno namijenjena iznajmljivanju soba i apartmana!

Kuća je nadograđena 2004. godine drugim dijelom. Ukupno ima 500 m2 stambenog prostora odnosno 7 stambenih jedinica - soba, apartmana i studio apartmana, 1404 m2 okućnice te 37,37 m2 spremišta. Važno je napomenuti da je imanje smješteno u samoj starogradskoj jezgri istarskog gradića, na brdu, s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na more s jedne strane, a pogled na planine s druge strane. Kući pripada i zajednički bazen. Za više informacija, kontaktirajte nas!
Zum Verkauf steht ein renoviertes Steinhaus, das komplett zur Vermietung von Zimmern und Apartments bestimmt ist!

Das Haus wurde 2004 um einen weiteren Teil erweitert. Es gibt insgesamt 500 m2 Wohnfläche, d.h. 7 Wohneinheiten - Zimmer, Apartments und Studio-Apartments, 1404 m2 Garten und 37,37 m2 Lager. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass sich das Anwesen im sehr alten Stadtkern der istrischen Stadt auf einem Hügel befindet, von dem aus man auf der einen Seite einen schönen Blick auf das Meer und auf der anderen Seite einen Blick auf die Berge hat. Das Haus hat auch einen Gemeinschaftspool. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns!
A renovated stone house for sale, completely intended for renting out rooms and apartments!

The house was upgraded in 2004 with another part. There is a total of 500 m2 of living space, i.e. 7 housing units - rooms, apartments and studio apartments, 1404 m2 of garden and 37.37 m2 of storage. It is important to note that the property is located in the very old town core of the Istrian town, on a hill, from which there is a beautiful view of the sea on one side, and a view of the mountains on the other. The house also has a shared pool. For more information, contact us!
A renovated stone house for sale, completely intended for renting out rooms and apartments!

The house was upgraded in 2004 with another part. There is a total of 500 m2 of living space, i.e. 7 housing units - rooms, apartments and studio apartments, 1404 m2 of garden and 37.37 m2 of storage. It is important to note that the property is located in the very old town core of the Istrian town, on a hill, from which there is a beautiful view of the sea on one side, and a view of the mountains on the other. The house also has a shared pool. For more information, contact us!

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