Filtriranje 2

Kuće individualna, Istarska županija, Labin

  • prodam
  • 499.000
  • 13.800 m²
  • 2024


Podatki o novogradnji

Kuće individualna
13.800 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija
Prodamo moderno novozgrajeno hišo, 15 minut vožnje od turističnega mesta Rabac.

Ima 138,50 m2 površine + 19 m2 pokrite terase. Prostor znotraj hiše je organiziran v prostorno odprto dnevno sobo s kuhinjo in jedilnico, ima tri udobne spalnice, vsaka s svojo kopalnico, WC za goste in shrambo. Velike steklene stene omogočajo veliko naravne svetlobe, povezujejo notranji in zunanji prostor ter vodijo na prostorno teraso. Hiša se prodaja neopremljena, z opremljeno kuhinjo in kopalnico, z vgrajeno klimo, talnim gretjem v dnevni sobi in kopalnici. Na lepo urejenem vrtu je ogrevan bazen s prostorom za sončenje in parkirišče.

Lepa, mirna lokacija s pogledom na naravo. Nepremičnina z veliko možnosti za družinsko življenje ali za turizem!
Prodaje se moderna, novoizgrađena prizemnica udaljena 15 minuta vožnje od turističkog mjesta Rabac.

Ima površinu od 138,50 m2 + 19 m2 natkrivene terase. Prostor unutar kuće organiziran je u prostrani open space dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, ima tri komforne spavaće sobe, svaka sa svojom vlastitom kupaonicom, toaleta za goste i spremište. Velike staklene stijene omogućavaju puno prirodne svjetlosti, a povezuju unutarnji i vanjski prostor i vode prema prostranoj terasi. Kuća se prodaje bez namještaja, s opremljenom kuhinjom i kupaonicama, s ugrađenim klima uređajima, podnim grijanjem u dnevnom boravku i kupaonicama.Na lijepo uređenoj okućnici nalazi se grijani bazen sa sunčalištem i parking.

Lijepa, mirna lokacija s pogledom na prirodu. Nekretnina s puno potencijala za obiteljski život ili za turizam!

Ein modernes, neu gebautes Haus zum Verkauf, 15 Autominuten von der Touristenstadt Rabac entfernt.

Es hat eine Fläche von 138,50 m2 + 19 m2 überdachte Terrasse. Der Raum im Inneren des Hauses ist in ein geräumiges, offenes Wohnzimmer mit Küche und Esszimmer unterteilt und verfügt über drei komfortable Schlafzimmer, jedes mit eigenem Bad, Gäste-WC und Abstellraum. Große Glaswände lassen viel natürliches Licht herein, verbinden den Innen- und Außenbereich und führen zu einer großzügigen Terrasse. Das Haus wird unmöbliert verkauft, mit ausgestatteter Küche und Badezimmern, eingebauten Klimaanlagen, Fußbodenheizung im Wohnzimmer und in den Badezimmern. Im wunderschön angelegten Garten gibt es ein beheiztes Schwimmbad mit Liegewiese und einen Parkplatz.

Schöne, ruhige Lage mit Blick in die Natur. Immobilie mit viel Potenzial für Familienleben oder für den Tourismus!
A modern, newly built house for sale, 15 minutes' drive from the tourist town of Rabac.

It has an area of 138.50 m2 + 19 m2 covered terrace. The space inside the house is organized into a spacious open space living room with kitchen and dining room, it has three comfortable bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, guest toilet and storage. Large glass walls allow a lot of natural light, and connect the interior and exterior space and lead to a spacious terrace. The house is for sale unfurnished, with an equipped kitchen and bathrooms, with built-in air conditioners, underfloor heating in the living room and bathrooms. There is a heated swimming pool with a sunbathing area and a parking lot in the beautifully landscaped garden.

Beautiful, quiet location with a view of nature. Property with a lot of potential for family life or for tourism!
A modern, newly built house for sale, 15 minutes' drive from the tourist town of Rabac.

It has an area of 138.50 m2 + 19 m2 covered terrace. The space inside the house is organized into a spacious open space living room with kitchen and dining room, it has three comfortable bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, guest toilet and storage. Large glass walls allow a lot of natural light, and connect the interior and exterior space and lead to a spacious terrace. The house is for sale unfurnished, with an equipped kitchen and bathrooms, with built-in air conditioners, underfloor heating in the living room and bathrooms. There is a heated swimming pool with a sunbathing area and a parking lot in the beautifully landscaped garden.

Beautiful, quiet location with a view of nature. Property with a lot of potential for family life or for tourism!

Slični oglasi

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