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Stanovi peterosobni
17.700 m²

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija
Nov projekt s petimi modernimi objekti nedaleč od centra Poreča (600 m).
Vsaka stavba je sestavljena iz pritličja, I. nadstropja, II. nadstropje in strešne terase.
Apartma F5 - PENTHOUSE - se nahaja na II. nadstropju stavbe, skupna bivalna površina 132,19 m2 obsega hodnik, dve kopalnici, štiri spalnice, garderobo, pralnico, kuhinjo, dnevno sobo in jedilnico, teraso, balkon in ložo. Stanovanju pripada tudi nepokrita strešna terasa v izmeri 142,26 m2 (pri koeficientu 25% izpade 35,56 m2). Na strešni terasi so inštalacije (elektrika in voda). Skupna površina stanovanja, strešne terase in garaže (9,56 m2) je 177,31 m2.
Pri gradnji so bili uporabljeni visokokakovostni materiali, alu/pvc mizarstvo, keramika 1. razreda, klima Mitsubishi-Daikin. Vsi prostori (razen spalnic) bodo imeli talno ogrevanje.
Kupci NE plačajo 3% davka na promet nepremičnin.
New project with five modern buildings not far from the center of Poreč (600 m).
Each building consists of a ground floor, I. floor, II. floor and a roof terraces.
Apartment F5 - PENTHOUSE - is located on II. floor of the building, total living area of 132.19 m2 consists of a hallway, two bathrooms, four bedrooms, wardrobe, laundry, kitchen, living room and dining room, terrace, balcony and loggia. The apartment also has an uncovered roof terrace of 142.26 m2 (at a coefficient of 25% turns out to be 35.56 m2). On the roof terrace are installations (electricity and water). The total area of the apartment, roof terrace and garage (9.56 m2) is: 177.31 m2.
High quality materials were used in the construction, aluminum / pvc carpentry, 1st class ceramics, Mitsubishi-Daikin air conditioner. Each room (except the bedrooms) will have underfloor heating.
Buyers DO NOT pay 3% real estate transfer tax.
Novi projekt s pet modernih zgrada nedaleko od centra Poreča (600 m). Svaka zgrada sastoji se od prizemlja, I. kata, II. kata i krovne terase.
Stan F5- PENTHOUSE - nalazi se na II. katu zgrade, ukupne stambene površine 132,19 m2 sastoji se od hodnika, dvije kupaonice, četiri spavaće sobe, garderobe, praonice, kuhinje, dnevnog boravka i blagovaone, te terase, balkona i lođe. Stanu pripada i nenatkrivena krovna terasa od 142,26 m2 (po koeficijentu od 25% ispada 35,56 m2). Na krovnoj terasi su instalacije (struja i voda). Ukupna prodajna površina stana, krovne terase i garaže (9,56 m2) je: 177,31 m2.
Vrlo kvalitetni materijali su korišteni pri izgradnji, stolarija alu/pvc, keramika 1.klase, klima uređaj Mitsubishi-Daikin. Svaka prostorija (osim spavaćih soba) će imati podno grijanje.
Kupci su oslobođeni plaćanja 3% poreza na promet nekretnina.
New project with five modern buildings not far from the center of Poreč (600 m).
Each building consists of a ground floor, I. floor, II. floor and a roof terraces.
Apartment F5 - PENTHOUSE - is located on II. floor of the building, total living area of 132.19 m2 consists of a hallway, two bathrooms, four bedrooms, wardrobe, laundry, kitchen, living room and dining room, terrace, balcony and loggia. The apartment also has an uncovered roof terrace of 142.26 m2 (at a coefficient of 25% turns out to be 35.56 m2). On the roof terrace are installations (electricity and water). The total area of the apartment, roof terrace and garage (9.56 m2) is: 177.31 m2.
High quality materials were used in the construction, aluminum / pvc carpentry, 1st class ceramics, Mitsubishi-Daikin air conditioner. Each room (except the bedrooms) will have underfloor heating.
Buyers DO NOT pay 3% real estate transfer tax.
Neues Projekt mit fünf modernen Gebäuden unweit von Zentrum von Porec (600 m).
Jedes Gebäude besteht aus Erdgeschoss, I. Stock, II. Stock und Dachterrassen.
Wohnung F5-PENTHOUSE - befindet sich auf II. Etage des Gebäudes, Gesamtwohnfläche von 132,19 m2 besteht aus Flur, zwei Bädern, vier Schlafzimmern, Garderobe, Waschküche, Küche, Wohnzimmer und Esszimmer, Terrasse, Balkon und Loggia. Die Wohnung hat auch eine Dachterrasse von 142,26 m2 (nach einem Koeffizienten von 25% ergibt sich 35,56 m2). Auf der Dachterrasse befinden sich Installationen (Strom und Wasser). Die Gesamtfläche der Wohnung, Dachterrasse und Garage (9,56 m2) beträgt: 177,31 m2. Sehr hochwertige Materialien beim Bau, Aluminium / PVC-Tischlerei, erstklassige Keramik, Mitsubishi-Daikin-Klimaanlage. Alle Zimmer (außer Schlafzimmer) werden mit Fußbodenheizung ausgestattet.
Käufer zahlt keine Grunderwerbsteuer!

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