Filtriranje 2

Stanovi trosobni, Primorsko-goranska žup., Malinska-dubašnica, Malinska

  • prodam
  • 370.000
  • 6.800 m²
  • 2023


Podatki o novogradnji

Stanovi trosobni
6.800 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Primorsko-goranska žup.
Prodamo nov apartma s čudovitim pogledom na morje v Malinski na otoku Krk!

Stanovanje se nahaja v drugem nadstropju stanovanjske stavbe s skupno tremi stanovanjskimi enotami. Neto bivalna površina znaša 68m2 in je sestavljena iz hodnika, dnevne sobe z izhodom na teraso s čudovitim razgledom, kuhinje in jedilnice, dveh spalnic in dveh kopalnic. Nepremičnina je bila zgrajena leta 2023 in pri gradnji je bila uporabljena najkvalitetnejša oprema. Stanovanje je v celoti klimatizirano in ima talno gretje. Pripada mu eno parkirno mesto, ki ima polnilnico za električna vozila. Nahaja se na odlični lokaciji v Malinski, cca 650 metrov od morja. Zaključek del je predviden pred poletjem 2023.

Kupec ne plača davka na promet nepremičnin!
Prodaje se novi apartman s prekrasnim pogledom na more u Malinskoj na otoku Krku!

Apartman se nalazi na drugom katu stambene zgrade s ukupno tri stambene jedinice. Neto stambena površina iznosi 68m2 i sastoji se od hodnika, dnevnog boravka s izlazom na terasu s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled, kuhinje i blagavaonice, dvije spavaće sobe i dvije kupaonice. Nekretnina je izgrađena 2023. godine te se u izgradnji koristila najkvalitetnija oprema. Apartman je u potpunosti klimatiziran i ima podno grijanje. Pripada mu jedno parkirno mjesto koje ima punjač za električno vozilo. Nalazi se na izvrsnoj lokaciji u Malinskoj, cca 650 metara od mora. Završetak radova se očekuje prije ljeta 2023. godine.

Kupac ne plaća porez na promet nekretnina!

Eine neue Wohnung zum Verkauf mit einem wunderschönen Blick auf das Meer in Malinska auf der Insel Krk!

Die Wohnung befindet sich im zweiten Stock eines Wohnhauses mit insgesamt drei Wohneinheiten. Die Nettowohnfläche beträgt 68m2 und besteht aus Flur, Wohnzimmer mit Ausgang zur Terrasse mit schöner Aussicht, Küche und Esszimmer, zwei Schlafzimmern und zwei Bädern. Die Immobilien wurde 2023 erbaut und beim Bau wurde die hochwertigste Ausrüstung verwendet. Die Wohnung ist voll klimatisiert und verfügt über eine Fußbodenheizung. Es verfügt über einen Parkplatz mit einer Ladestation für ein Elektrofahrzeug. Es befindet sich in ausgezeichneter Lage in Malinska, ca. 650 Meter vom Meer entfernt. Die Fertigstellung der Arbeiten wird vor dem Sommer 2023 erwartet.

Der Käufer zahlt keine Grunderwerbssteuer!
A new apartment for sale with a beautiful view of the sea in Malinska on the island of Krk!

The apartment is located on the second floor of a residential building with a total of three residential units. The net living area is 68m2 and consists of a hallway, living room with exit to the terrace with a beautiful view, kitchen and dining room, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The property was built in 2023 and the highest quality equipment was used in the construction. The apartment is fully air-conditioned and has underfloor heating. It has one parking space that has a charger for an electric vehicle. It is located in an excellent location in Malinska, approx. 650 meters from the sea. Completion of the works is expected before the summer of 2023.

The buyer does not pay real estate transfer tax!
A new apartment for sale with a beautiful view of the sea in Malinska on the island of Krk!

The apartment is located on the second floor of a residential building with a total of three residential units. The net living area is 68m2 and consists of a hallway, living room with exit to the terrace with a beautiful view, kitchen and dining room, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The property was built in 2023 and the highest quality equipment was used in the construction. The apartment is fully air-conditioned and has underfloor heating. It has one parking space that has a charger for an electric vehicle. It is located in an excellent location in Malinska, approx. 650 meters from the sea. Completion of the works is expected before the summer of 2023.

The buyer does not pay real estate transfer tax!