Filtriranje 2


Podatki o novogradnji

Stanovi trosobni
10.400 m²

Podatki o lokaciji

Zadarska županija
Prodaja novozgrajenih apartmajev v stanovanjski zgradbi v Privlaki pri Zadru. V objektu je 10 luksuznih apartmajev s čudovitim pogledom na morje in otoke. Od morja so oddaljeni 70 m, v bližini vseh objektov. Posest ima vrt z lepo urejenim dvoriščem z mediteranskim rastlinjem. Sestoji iz pritličja ter 1. in 2. nadstropja.

2. NADSTROPJE - S201 (hodnik, kopalnica, dnevna soba + kuhinja + jedilnica, hodnik, terasa in strešna terasa z jacuzzijem, dve spalnici) - 104 m2 - 369.000,00 EUR

- Stanovanja bodo zgrajena in opremljena z najkvalitetnejšimi materiali
- Toplotna fasada
- Velike drsne balkonske stene, ki omogočajo veliko naravne svetlobe
- Inverterski klimatski sistemi ogrevanja in hlajenja
- Talno gretje v kopalnici.
- Vrhunska sanitarna oprema
- Prvovrstni parket in keramika
- Vrhunsko notranje mizarstvo s polno zalogo modernega dizajna in linij.
- Sodobno šestkomorno PVC zunanje stavbno pohištvo s troslojnim steklom in Low-e premazom, ALU polkni na električni pogon in vgrajenimi komarniki
- Video domofon
- lasten bazen za najemnike na dvorišču, medtem ko imajo apartmaji na vrhu (penthouse) lastne bazene-jacuzzi
- Polnilna postaja za električna vozila
- Vsakemu stanovanju pripada eno parkirno mesto

Nahaja se v mirnem delu Privlake, tik ob morju, v bližini vseh potrebnih vsebin.
Prodaju se apartmani u novogradnji u stambenoj zgradi u mjestu Privlaka pored Zadra U zgradi je 10 luksuznih stanova s prekrasnim pogledom na more i otoke. Udaljeni su 70 m od mora, u blizini svih sadržaja. Nekretnina ima okućnicu s lijepo uređenim dvorištem s mediteranskim biljem. Sastoji se od prizemlja, te 1. i 2. kata.

2. KAT - S201 (hodnik, kupaonica, dnevni boravak + kuhinja + blagovaonica, predsoblje, terasa i krovna terasa s Jacuzzi-jem, dvije spavaće sobe) - 104 m2 - 369.000,00 EUR

- Stanovi će biti izgrađeni i opremljeni najkvalitetnijim materijalima
- Termofasada
- Velike klizne balkonske stijene koje omogućuju puno prirodnog svijetla
- Inverter klima sustavi grijanja i hlađenja
- Podno grijanje kupaonica.
- Vrhunska sanitarna oprema
- Parket i keramika I. klase
- Vrhunska unutarnja stolarija s punim štokovima modernog dizajna i linija.
- Moderna šestokomorna PVC vanjska stolarija s izo troslojnim staklima i Low-e premazom, ALU roletama na električni pogon i integriranim komaricama.
- Video portafon
- Vlastiti bazen za stanare u dvorištu, dok stanovi na vrhu (penthouse) imaju svoje vlastite bazene-jacuzzije
- Punionica električnih vozila
- Svaki stan ima jedno parkirno mjesto

Nalazi se u mirnom dijelu Privlake neposredno uz more, u blizini svih potrebnih sadržaja.
Neu gebaute Wohnungen zum Verkauf in einem Wohngebäude in Privlaka bei Zadar. Im Gebäude befinden sich 10 Luxusapartments mit herrlichem Blick auf das Meer und die Inseln. Sie sind 70 m vom Meer entfernt und in der Nähe aller Einrichtungen. Das Anwesen verfügt über einen Garten mit einem wunderschön angelegten Garten mit mediterranen Pflanzen. Es besteht aus dem Erdgeschoss und der 1. und 2. Etage.

2. STOCK - S201 (Flur, Badezimmer, Wohnzimmer + Küche + Esszimmer, Flur, Terrasse und Dachterrasse mit Whirlpool, zwei Schlafzimmer) - 104 m2 - 369.000,00 EUR

- Die Wohnungen werden mit Materialien höchster Qualität gebaut und ausgestattet
- Thermofassade
- Große verschiebbare Balkonwände, die viel natürliches Licht hereinlassen
- Inverter-Klimaanlagen, Heiz- und Kühlsysteme
- Fußbodenheizung im Badezimmer.
- Hochwertige Sanitärausstattung
- Erstklassiges Parkett und Keramik
- Hochwertige Innenschreinerei mit modernem Design und moderner Linienführung.
- Moderne Sechs-Kammer-Außenverkleidung aus PVC mit Dreifachverglasung und Low-e-Beschichtung, elektrisch betriebenen ALU-Rollläden und integrierten Moskitonetzen
- Video-Gegensprechanlage
- Eigener Swimmingpool für Mieter im Hof, während die Wohnungen im Obergeschoss (Penthouse) über einen eigenen Swimmingpool-Whirlpool verfügen
- Ladestation für Elektrofahrzeuge
- Zu jeder Wohnung gehört ein Parkplatz

Es liegt in einem ruhigen Teil von Privlaka, direkt am Meer und in der Nähe aller notwendigen Einrichtungen.
Newly built apartments for sale in a residential building in Privlaka near Zadar. There are 10 luxury apartments in the building with a beautiful view of the sea and islands. They are 70 m from the sea, close to all facilities. The property has a garden with a beautifully landscaped yard with Mediterranean plants. It consists of the ground floor and the 1st and 2nd floors.

2ND FLOOR - S201 (hallway, bathroom, living room + kitchen + dining room, hall, terrace and roof terrace with Jacuzzi, two bedrooms) - 104 m2 - EUR 369,000.00

- The apartments will be built and equipped with the highest quality materials
- Thermal facade
- Large sliding balcony walls that allow a lot of natural light
- Inverter air conditioning heating and cooling systems
- Bathroom floor heating.
- Superior sanitary equipment
- First-class parquet and ceramics
- Superior interior carpentry with full stocks of modern design and lines.
- Modern six-chamber PVC external joinery with triple-pane glass and Low-e coating, electrically operated ALU shutters and integrated mosquito nets
- Video intercom
- Own swimming pool for tenants in the yard, while apartments on the top (penthouse) have their own swimming pools-jacuzzi
- Charging station for electric vehicles
- Each apartment has one parking space

It is located in a quiet part of Privlaka, right next to the sea, close to all necessary facilities.
Newly built apartments for sale in a residential building in Privlaka near Zadar. There are 10 luxury apartments in the building with a beautiful view of the sea and islands. They are 70 m from the sea, close to all facilities. The property has a garden with a beautifully landscaped yard with Mediterranean plants. It consists of the ground floor and the 1st and 2nd floors.

2ND FLOOR - S201 (hallway, bathroom, living room + kitchen + dining room, hall, terrace and roof terrace with Jacuzzi, two bedrooms) - 104 m2 - EUR 369,000.00

- The apartments will be built and equipped with the highest quality materials
- Thermal facade
- Large sliding balcony walls that allow a lot of natural light
- Inverter air conditioning heating and cooling systems
- Bathroom floor heating.
- Superior sanitary equipment
- First-class parquet and ceramics
- Superior interior carpentry with full stocks of modern design and lines.
- Modern six-chamber PVC external joinery with triple-pane glass and Low-e coating, electrically operated ALU shutters and integrated mosquito nets
- Video intercom
- Own swimming pool for tenants in the yard, while apartments on the top (penthouse) have their own swimming pools-jacuzzi
- Charging station for electric vehicles
- Each apartment has one parking space

It is located in a quiet part of Privlaka, right next to the sea, close to all necessary facilities.

Slični oglasi

Zadarska županija, Privlaka
  • stanovi trosobni
  • 4695
  • 11.300 m²
  • 124 m²
  • 2023
  • 2
  • 2
  • 3
Zadarska županija, Privlaka
  • stanovi trosobni
  • 32286
  • 10.000 m²
  • 150 m²
  • 2024
  • 2
  • 2
  • 3
Zadarska županija, Privlaka
  • stanovi trosobni
  • 3312
  • 9.400 m²
  • 96 m²
  • 2024
  • 2
  • 2
  • 3
Zadarska županija, Privlaka
  • stanovi trosobni
  • 430-1
  • 10.500 m²
  • 2023
  • 3
Zadarska županija, Privlaka
  • stanovi trosobni
  • 12915-1
  • 12.000 m²
  • 2024
  • 3
Zadarska županija, Privlaka
  • stanovi trosobni
  • 12916-1
  • 11.300 m²
  • 2024
  • 3