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Kuće individualna
22.000 m²

Podatki o lokaciji

Splitsko-dalmatinska žup.
Atraktivna hiša za prodajo v Marušići, prva vrsta do morja.

Površina hiše je 220 m2 in je zgrajena na zemljišču velikosti 343 m2. Sestoji iz kleti, pritličja in nadstropja s skupno 2 ločenima stanovanjema. V kleti je shramba in enosobno stanovanje za goste s teraso in vrtom kjer je možnost izgradnje bazena. V pritličju je kuhinja, jedilnica in velika terasa, v prvem nadstropju pa tri spalnice z lastnimi balkoni. Hiša je obrnjena na jug in vsak kotiček hiše ponuja fantastičen pogled na morje in otoke, ki ga ni mogoče zakriti. Je v celoti opremljeno in klimatizirano in se tako tudi prodaja. Pred hišo je tudi privez za čoln. Hišo je možno nadgraditi, z minimalnim vložkom pa je mogoče dobiti fantastično vilo z bazenom. Parkirna mesta se nahajajo tik za hišo.

Nahaja se na odlični lokaciji, morje in lepa prodnata plaža pa se nahajata tik pod hišo. Idealno kot naložba za turizem!
Prodaje se atraktivna kuća u Marušićima prvi red do mora.

Površina kuće je 220 m2 a izgrađena je na zemljištu površine 343 m2. Sastoji se od suterena, prizemlja i kata s ukupno 2 odvojena apartmana. U suterenu se nalazi ostava i jednosoban apartman za goste s terasom i vrtom na kojemu postoji mogućnost izgradnje bazena. U prizemlju se nalazi kuhinja, blagovaonica i velika terasa dok se na katu nalaze tri spavaće sobe sa svojim balkonima. Kuća je južno orijentirana, a iz svakog kutka kuće pruža fantastičan pogled na more i otoke koji nije moguće zakloniti. Potpuno je namještena i klimatizirana, te se takva i prodaje. Postoji i vez za brodicu ispred kuće. Postoji mogućnost proširenja kuće, te je uz minimalno ulaganje moguće dobiti fantastičnu villu s bazenom. Parkirna mjesta se nalaze odmah iza kuće.

Nalazi se na top lokaciji, a more i prekrasna šljunčana plaža se nalaze odmah ispod kuće. Idealna kao investicija za turizam!

Attraktives Haus zum Verkauf in Marušići, erste Reihe zum Meer.

Die Fläche des Hauses beträgt 220 m2 und es wurde auf einem Grundstück von 343 m2 gebaut. Es besteht aus Keller, Erdgeschoss und Obergeschoss mit insgesamt 2 separaten Wohnungen. Im Untergeschoss gibt es einen Abstellraum und eine Einzimmerwohnung für Gäste mit Terrasse und Garten, wo die Möglichkeit besteht, ein Schwimmbad zu bauen. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es eine Küche, ein Esszimmer und eine große Terrasse, während sich im ersten Stock drei Schlafzimmer mit eigenem Balkon befinden. Das Haus ist nach Süden ausgerichtet und jede Ecke des Hauses bietet einen fantastischen, unverbaubaren Blick auf das Meer und die Inseln. Es ist komplett möbliert und klimatisiert und wird als solches verkauft. Vor dem Haus gibt es auch einen Liegeplatz für ein Boot. Es ist möglich, das Haus zu erweitern und mit einer minimalen Investition eine fantastische Villa mit Swimmingpool zu erhalten. Parkplätze befinden sich direkt hinter dem Haus.

Die Lage ist Top, das Meer und ein wunderschöner Kiesstrand liegen direkt unterhalb des Hauses. Ideal als Investition für den Tourismus!
ttractive house for sale in Marušići, first row to the sea.

The surface of the house is 220 m2, and it was built on a plot of land of 343 m2. It consists of a basement, ground floor and first floor with a total of 2 separate apartments. In the basement there is a storage room and a one-room apartment for guests with a terrace and a garden where there is the possibility of building a swimming pool. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a dining room and a large terrace, while on the first floor there are three bedrooms with their own balconies. The house is south-facing, and every corner of the house offers a fantastic view of the sea and the islands that cannot be blocked. It is fully furnished and air-conditioned, and is for sale as such. There is also a mooring for a boat in front of the house. It is possible to extend the house, and with a minimal investment it is possible to get a fantastic villa with a swimming pool. Parking spaces are right behind the house.

It is located in a great location, and the sea and a beautiful pebble beach are located right below the house. Ideal as an investment for tourism!
ttractive house for sale in Marušići, first row to the sea.

The surface of the house is 220 m2, and it was built on a plot of land of 343 m2. It consists of a basement, ground floor and first floor with a total of 2 separate apartments. In the basement there is a storage room and a one-room apartment for guests with a terrace and a garden where there is the possibility of building a swimming pool. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a dining room and a large terrace, while on the first floor there are three bedrooms with their own balconies. The house is south-facing, and every corner of the house offers a fantastic view of the sea and the islands that cannot be blocked. It is fully furnished and air-conditioned, and is for sale as such. There is also a mooring for a boat in front of the house. It is possible to extend the house, and with a minimal investment it is possible to get a fantastic villa with a swimming pool. Parking spaces are right behind the house.

It is located in a great location, and the sea and a beautiful pebble beach are located right below the house. Ideal as an investment for tourism!

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