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14.900 m²

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Splitsko-dalmatinska žup.
Prodaja apartmajev v novi, moderni stavbi v Trogirju. Gradnja se je začela konec leta 2023, dokončanje in vselitev pa je predvidena v začetku leta 2025. Ta projekt vključuje 6 modernih apartmajev s terasami s čudovitim pogledom na morje in otok Čiovo. Nahaja se na mirni lokaciji v bližini plaže.

Projekt se gradi po najvišjih gradbenih standardih. Stavba je zasnovana kot nizkoenergijska in bo imela visoko energetsko učinkovitost. Konstrukcija objekta je armirano betonska in ima visoko potresno odpornost. Fasada iz toplotnoizolacijskega sistema "ETICS" s toplotno izolacijo iz stiropora debeline 10 cm. Vsa zunanja okna so izdelana iz večkomornega PVC mizarstva s termo ločljivim mostom in steklom IZO LOW E. ALU žaluzije na vseh zunanjih oknih (in električna dvigala in komarniki - po naročilu). Skupno kamnito stopnišče z avtomatskim izklopom luči. Zunanjost objekta sestavljajo zasebno parkirišče, zelenice in komunikacijske ceste. Lastniki apartmajev imajo možnost urediti skupni vrt po svoji želji in dogovoru (postaviti žar, otroška igrala, mizo, stole ali drugo vrtno pohištvo ipd.)
Zunanje parkirišče in skupni prostori bodo zaradi varnosti in zaščite premoženja vseh najemnikov pokriti z video nadzorom.

Pri gradnji so uporabljeni kvalitetni materiali in oprema, kot je kopalniška in WC oprema iz keramike in akrilne sanitarne keramike (konzolna keramična WC školjka z vgradnim splakovalnikom, umivalnik širine 70 cm, "walk in" tuš s stekleno pregrado, električni bojler s prostornino 50 litrov itd.). V kuhinji bodo nameščene armature za pomivalno korito in pomivalni stroj. V sklopu elektroinštalacij bodo nameščena stikala, vtičnice, TV, satelitske in telefonske vtičnice. Ena izmed možnosti ogrevanja in hlajenja stanovanj bo tudi s klimatsko napravo. Proti doplačilu je možna tudi vgradnja talnega gretja. Vsakemu stanovanju pripada eno parkirno mesto zunaj ali znotraj (v garaži), možen pa je tudi nakup dodatnega mesta v garaži po ceni 20.000 €.

S1 - stanovanje obsega cca 149 m2 površine, od tega 55 m2 notranje površine, 30 m2 terase in 63 m2 lastnega vrta. Sestavljen je iz dveh spalnic, dveh kopalnic, hodnika in odprtega koncepta dnevne sobe, kuhinje in jedilnice z izhodom na teraso, ki se nadaljuje na vrt. Vključuje tudi eno zunanje parkirno mesto. Cena: 300.000 €

S2 - stanovanje ima približno 165 m2 skupne površine, ki je sestavljena iz 55 m2 notranjega prostora, 27 m2 terase in 82 m2 lastnega vrta. Stanovanje obsega dve spalnici, dve kopalnici, hodnik in odprto dnevno sobo, kuhinjo in jedilnico z izhodom na teraso, ki se nato nadaljuje na vrt. Vključuje tudi eno zunanje parkirno mesto. PRODANO

S3 - stanovanje ima skupno površino cca 74 m2, od tega 55 m2 pripada notranjemu prostoru in 19 m2 terasi. Sestoji iz dveh spalnic, dveh kopalnic, hodnika in skupne dnevne sobe, kuhinje in jedilnice z izhodom na pokrito teraso. V ceno je vključeno eno zunanje parkirno mesto. PRODANO

S4 - stanovanje ima površino cca 72 m2, od tega notranji del zavzema 55 m2 ter terasa skoraj 17 m2. Tloris stanovanja obsega dve spalnici, dve kopalnici, hodnik in dnevno sobo, kuhinjo in jedilnico z izhodom na pokrito teraso. Vključeno je tudi eno zunanje parkirno mesto. PRODANO

S5 - penthouse s strešno teraso s skupno površino približno 151 m2. Skupna površina je razdeljena na 55 m2 notranjega prostora, 19 m2 terase in približno 76 m2 strešne terase. Penthouse je sestavljen iz dveh spalnic, dveh kopalnic, hodnika in skupne dnevne sobe, kuhinje in jedilnice z izhodom na pokrito teraso 19 m2. Stanovanju pripadajo tudi dva parkirna mesta v garaži stanovanjskega objekta. Cena: 500.000€.

S6 - penthouse s strešno teraso v skupni izmeri cca 151 m2, ki združuje cca 55 m2 notranjega prostora, 19 m2 terase in cca 76 m2 strešne terase. Sestavljen je iz dveh spalnic, dveh kopalnic, hodnika in dnevne sobe, odprtega koncepta kuhinje in jedilnice z izhodom na pokrito teraso 19 m2. V ceno so vključena dva parkirna mesta v garaži objekta. Cena: 500.000€.
Prodaju se apartmani u novoj, modernoj zgradi u Trogiru. Gradnja je započela krajem 2023. godine, a dovršetak i useljenje se očekuje do početka 2025. godine. Ovaj projekt uključuje 6 modernih apartmana s terasama s kojih se proteže prekrasan pogled na more i otok Čiovo. Nalazi se na mirnoj lokaciji blizu plaže.

Projekt se gradi po najvišim standardima gradnje. Zgrada je projektirana kao niskoenergetska i imat će visoku energetsku učinkovitost. Konstrukcija objekta je od armiranog betona i zadovoljava visoku protupotresnu otpornost. Fasada od termoizolacijskog sustava “ETICS” s toplinskom izolacijom od stiropora debljine 10 cm. Svi vanjski prozori su od višekomorne PVC stolarije s termo kočnim mostom i IZO LOW E staklom. ALU rolete na svim vanjskim prozorima (te električne dizalice i mreže protiv insekata - na upit). Zajedničko stubište obloženo kamenom s automatskim gašenjem svjetla. Eksterijer objekta sastoji se od privatnog parkirališta, zelenih površina te komunikacijskih prometnica. Vlasnici apartmana imaju mogućnost urediti zajednički vrt po želji i dogovoru (postaviti roštilj, dječje igralište, stol, stolice ili drugu vrtnu garnituru i sl.)
Vanjsko parkiralište i zajednički prostori bit će pokriveni video nadzorom radi sigurnosti i zaštite imovine svih stanara.

Pri gradnji se koriste kvalitetni materijali i oprema, kao što su kupaonsku i WC opremu izrađenu od keramike i akrilnih sanitarija (konzolna keramička WC školjka s ugradbenim vodokotlićem, sudoper širine 70 cm, “walk in” tuš sa staklenom pregradom, električni bojler zapremnine 50 litara itd.). U kuhinji će biti postavljene armature za sudoper i perilicu posuđa. U sklopu elektroinstalacija bit će ugrađeni prekidači, utičnice, TV, SAT i telefonske utičnice. Jedna od mogućnosti grijanja i hlađenja stanova bit će biti putem klima uređaja. Pruža se i mogućnost postavljanja podnog grijanja uz dodatnu naknadu. Svakom apartmanu pripada po jedno parkirno mjesto bilo vanjsko ili unutarnje (u garaži), a nudi se i kupnja dodatnog mjesta u garaži po cijeni od 20.000 €.

S1 - apartman ima oko 149 m2 površine, koja ima 55 m2 unutarnje površine, 30 m2 terase i 63 m2 vlastitog vrta. Sastoji se od dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, hodnika te otvorenog koncepta dnevnog boravka, kuhinje i blagovaonice s izlazom na terasu koja se nastavlja na vrt. Uključuje i jedno vanjsko parking mjesto. Cijena je: 300.000 €

S2 - apartman ima oko 165 m2 ukupne površine, koja se sastoji od 55 m2 interijera, 27 m2 terase i 82 m2 vlastitog vrta. Stan ima dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, hodnika te dnevnog boravka, kuhinje i blagovaonice otvorenog rasporeda s izlazom na terasu koja se potom nastavlja na vrt. Uključuje i jedno vanjsko parking mjesto. PRODANO

S3 - apartman ima oko 74 m2 ukupne površine od čega 55 m2 pripada unutarnjem prostoru a 19 m2 terasi. Sastoji se od dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, hodnika te zajedničkog prostora dnevnog boravka, kuhinje i blagovaonice s izlazom na natkrivenu terasu. U cijenu je uključeno je jedno vanjsko parking mjesto. Cijena je: PRODANO

S4 - apartman ima površinu oko 72 m2, od čega unutarnji dio zauzima 55 m2 a terasa skoro 17 m2. Tlocrt ovog stana podrazumijeva dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, hodnik te dnevni boravak, kuhinju i blagovaonicu s izlazom na natkrivenu terasu. Uključeno je i jedno vanjsko parking mjesto. PRODANO

S5 - penthouse s krovnom terasom ukupne površine oko 151 m2. Ukupna površina je raspoređena na 55 m2 unutarnjeg prostora, 19 m2 terase i oko 76 m2 krovne terase. Penthouse se sastoji od dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, hodnika te zajedničkog prostora dnevnog boravka, kuhinje i blagovaonice s izlazom na natkrivenu terasu od 19 m2. Ovaj stan uključuje i dva parking mjesta u garaži stambene zgrade. Cijena je: 500.000 €.

S6 - penthouse s krovnom terasom ukupne površine oko 151 m2, koja objedinjuje oko 55 m2 interijera, 19 m2 terase i oko 76 m2 krovne terase. Sastoji se od dvije spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, hodnika i dnevnog boravka, kuhinje i blagovaonice otvorenog koncepta s izlazom na natkrivenu terasu od 19 m2. U cijenu su uključena i dva parking mjesto u garaži objekta. Cijena je: 500.000 €.
Wohnungen zum Verkauf in einem neuen, modernen Gebäude in Trogir. Der Bau begann Ende 2023, die Fertigstellung und Bezug wird für Anfang 2025 erwartet. Dieses Projekt umfasst 6 moderne Apartments mit Terrassen mit herrlichem Blick auf das Meer und die Insel Čiovo. Es befindet sich in ruhiger Lage in Strandnähe.

Das Projekt wird nach höchsten Baustandards gebaut. Das Gebäude ist als Niedrigenergiegebäude konzipiert und wird eine hohe Energieeffizienz aufweisen. Die Konstruktion des Gebäudes besteht aus Stahlbeton und erfüllt eine hohe Erdbebensicherheit. Fassade aus Wärmedämmsystem „WDVS“ mit 10 cm starker Styropor-Wärmedämmung. Alle Außenfenster bestehen aus Mehrkammer-PVC-Fensterbau mit Wärmebrücke und IZO LOW E-Glas. ALU-Jalousien an allen Außenfenstern (und elektrische Kräne und Insektennetze – auf Anfrage). Gemeinsame Stein-verkleidete Treppe mit automatischer Lichtabschaltung. Das Äußere des Gebäudes besteht aus einem privaten Parkplatz, Grünflächen und Verbindungsstraßen. Die Eigentümer der Wohnungen haben die Möglichkeit, den Gemeinschaftsgarten nach ihren Wünschen und Vereinbarungen zu gestalten (Grill, Kinderspielplatz, Tisch, Stühle oder andere Gartenmöbel usw. aufstellen). Der Außenparkplatz und die öffentlichen Bereiche werden zur Sicherheit und zum Schutz des Eigentums aller Mieter videoüberwacht.

Beim Bau werden hochwertige Materialien und Geräte verwendet, wie z. B. Bad- und Toilettenausstattung aus Keramik und Acryl-Sanitärkeramik (Keramik-Toilettenschüssel mit eingebautem Spülkasten, 70 cm breites Waschbecken, „begehbare“ Dusche mit Glastrennwand, elektrisches Wasser). Heizgerät mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 50 Litern usw.). In der Küche werden Armaturen für eine Spüle und eine Spülmaschine eingebaut. Im Rahmen der Elektroinstallation werden Schalter, Steckdosen, TV-, Satelliten- und Telefonsteckdosen installiert. Eine Möglichkeit, Wohnungen zu heizen und zu kühlen, wird die Klimaanlage sein. Gegen Aufpreis ist auch der Einbau einer Fußbodenheizung möglich. Zu jeder Wohnung gehört ein Stellplatz, entweder außen oder innen (in der Garage), außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit, einen zusätzlichen Stellplatz in der Garage zum Preis von 20.000 € zu erwerben.

S1 - Wohnung hat eine Fläche von ca. 149 m2, davon 55 m2 Innenfläche, 30 m2 Terrasse und 63 m2 eigenen Garten. Es besteht aus zwei Schlafzimmern, zwei Badezimmern, einem Flur und einem offenen Wohnzimmer, einer Küche und einem Esszimmer mit Zugang zu einer Terrasse, die zum Garten führt. Es umfasst auch einen Außenparkplatz. Der Preis beträgt: 300.000 €

S2 - Wohnung hat eine Gesamtfläche von ca. 165 m2, davon 55 m2 Innenfläche, 27 m2 Terrasse und 82 m2 eigener Garten. Die Wohnung verfügt über zwei Schlafzimmer, zwei Badezimmer, einen Flur und ein offenes Wohnzimmer, Küche und Esszimmer mit Zugang zur Terrasse, die dann zum Garten führt. Es umfasst auch einen Außenparkplatz. VERKAUFT

S3 – Wohnung hat eine Gesamtfläche von ca. 74 m2, davon entfallen 55 m2 auf den Innenraum und 19 m2 auf die Terrasse. Es besteht aus zwei Schlafzimmern, zwei Badezimmern, einem Flur und einem gemeinsamen Wohnzimmer, Küche und Esszimmer mit Zugang zu einer überdachten Terrasse. Ein Außenparkplatz ist im Preis inbegriffen. VERKAUFT

S4 – Wohnung erstreckt sich über insgesamt 72 m2, wovon der Innenteil 55 m2 und die Terrasse knapp 17 m2 einnimmt. Der Grundriss dieser Wohnung umfasst zwei Schlafzimmer, zwei Badezimmer, einen Flur sowie ein Wohnzimmer, eine Küche und ein Esszimmer mit Zugang zu einer überdachten Terrasse. Ein Außenparkplatz ist ebenfalls enthalten. VERKAUFT

S5 - Penthouse mit Dachterrasse mit einer Gesamtfläche von ca. 151 m2. Die Gesamtfläche teilt sich auf in 55 m2 Innenfläche, 19 m2 Terrasse und ca. 76 m2 Dachterrasse. Das Penthouse besteht aus zwei Schlafzimmern, zwei Badezimmern, einem Flur und einem gemeinsamen Wohnzimmer, Küche und Esszimmer mit Zugang zu einer überdachten Terrasse von 19 m2. Zu dieser Wohnung gehört auch zwei Parkpltzë in der Garage des Wohnhauses. Der Preis beträgt: 500.000 €.

S6 - Penthouse mit Dachterrasse mit einer Gesamtfläche von ca. 151 m2, die ca. 55 m2 Innenraum, 19 m2 Terrasse und ca. 76 m2 Dachterrasse vereint. Es besteht aus zwei Schlafzimmern, zwei Badezimmern, Flur und Wohnzimmer, offener Küche und Esszimmer mit Zugang zu einer überdachten Terrasse von 19 m2. Zwei Parkplatze in der Garage des Gebäudes sind im Preis inbegriffen. Der Preis beträgt: 500.000 €.
Apartments for sale in a new, modern building in Trogir. Construction began at the end of 2023., and completion and occupancy is expected by the beginning of 2025. This project includes 6 modern apartments with terraces with a beautiful view of the sea and the island of Čiovo. It is located in a quiet location near the beach.

The project is being built according to the highest construction standards. The building is designed as low-energy and will have high energy efficiency. The construction of the building is made of reinforced concrete and meets high earthquake resistance. Facade from thermal insulation system "ETICS" with 10 cm thick Styrofoam thermal insulation. All external windows are made of multi-chamber PVC carpentry with thermal break bridge and IZO LOW E glass. ALU blinds on all external windows (and electric cranes and insect nets - on request). Common stone-clad staircase with automatic light switch-off. The exterior of the building consists of a private parking lot, green areas and communication roads. The owners of the apartments have the possibility to decorate the common garden according to their wish and agreement (set up a barbecue, children's playground, table, chairs or other garden furniture, etc.). The outdoor parking lot and common areas will be covered by video surveillance for the safety and protection of the property of all tenants.

Quality materials and equipment are used in the construction, such as bathroom and toilet equipment made of ceramics and acrylic sanitary ware (console ceramic toilet bowl with built-in cistern, 70 cm wide sink, "walk in" shower with glass partition, electric water heater with a capacity of 50 liters etc.). Fittings for a sink and a dishwasher will be installed in the kitchen. As part of the electrical installation, switches, sockets, TV, satellite and telephone sockets will be installed. One of the options for heating and cooling apartments will be through air conditioning. It is also possible to install underfloor heating for an additional fee. Each apartment has one parking space, either outside or inside (in the garage), and it is also possible to purchase an additional space in the garage at a price of 20.000 €.

S1 - the apartment has about 149 m2 of surface area, which has 55 m2 of internal surface, 30 m2 of terrace and 63 m2 of its own garden. It consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and an open concept living room, kitchen and dining room with access to a terrace that continues to the garden. It also includes one outdoor parking space. The price is: 300.000 €.

S2 - apartment has about 165 m2 of total area, which consists of 55 m2 of interior, 27 m2 of terrace and 82 m2 of its own garden. The apartment has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and an open-plan living room, kitchen and dining room with access to the terrace, which then continues to the garden. It also includes one outdoor parking space. SOLD

S3 - the apartment has a total area of about 74 m2, of which 55 m2 belongs to the interior space and 19 m2 to the terrace. It consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and a common living room, kitchen and dining room with access to a covered terrace. One outdoor parking space is included in the price. SOLD

S4 - apartment has an area of about 72 m2, of which the inner part occupies 55 m2 and the terrace almost 17 m2. The floor plan of this apartment includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and a living room, kitchen and dining room with access to a covered terrace. One outdoor parking space is also included. SOLD

S5 - penthouse with a roof terrace with a total area of about 151 m2. The total area is divided into 55 m2 of interior space, 19 m2 of terrace and about 76 m2 of roof terrace. The penthouse consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and a common living room, kitchen and dining room with access to a covered terrace of 19 m2. This apartment also includes two parking spaces in the garage of the residential building. The price is: 500.000 €.

S6 - penthouse with a roof terrace with a total area of about 151 m2, which combines about 55 m2 of interior, 19 m2 of terrace and about 76 m2 of roof terrace. It consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, hallway and living room, open concept kitchen and dining room with access to a covered terrace of 19 m2. Two parking spaces in the building's garage are included in the price. The price is: 500.000 €.
Apartments for sale in a new, modern building in Trogir. Construction began at the end of 2023., and completion and occupancy is expected by the beginning of 2025. This project includes 6 modern apartments with terraces with a beautiful view of the sea and the island of Čiovo. It is located in a quiet location near the beach.

The project is being built according to the highest construction standards. The building is designed as low-energy and will have high energy efficiency. The construction of the building is made of reinforced concrete and meets high earthquake resistance. Facade from thermal insulation system "ETICS" with 10 cm thick Styrofoam thermal insulation. All external windows are made of multi-chamber PVC carpentry with thermal break bridge and IZO LOW E glass. ALU blinds on all external windows (and electric cranes and insect nets - on request). Common stone-clad staircase with automatic light switch-off. The exterior of the building consists of a private parking lot, green areas and communication roads. The owners of the apartments have the possibility to decorate the common garden according to their wish and agreement (set up a barbecue, children's playground, table, chairs or other garden furniture, etc.). The outdoor parking lot and common areas will be covered by video surveillance for the safety and protection of the property of all tenants.

Quality materials and equipment are used in the construction, such as bathroom and toilet equipment made of ceramics and acrylic sanitary ware (console ceramic toilet bowl with built-in cistern, 70 cm wide sink, "walk in" shower with glass partition, electric water heater with a capacity of 50 liters etc.). Fittings for a sink and a dishwasher will be installed in the kitchen. As part of the electrical installation, switches, sockets, TV, satellite and telephone sockets will be installed. One of the options for heating and cooling apartments will be through air conditioning. It is also possible to install underfloor heating for an additional fee. Each apartment has one parking space, either outside or inside (in the garage), and it is also possible to purchase an additional space in the garage at a price of 20.000 €.

S1 - the apartment has about 149 m2 of surface area, which has 55 m2 of internal surface, 30 m2 of terrace and 63 m2 of its own garden. It consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and an open concept living room, kitchen and dining room with access to a terrace that continues to the garden. It also includes one outdoor parking space. The price is: 300.000 €.

S2 - apartment has about 165 m2 of total area, which consists of 55 m2 of interior, 27 m2 of terrace and 82 m2 of its own garden. The apartment has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and an open-plan living room, kitchen and dining room with access to the terrace, which then continues to the garden. It also includes one outdoor parking space. SOLD

S3 - the apartment has a total area of about 74 m2, of which 55 m2 belongs to the interior space and 19 m2 to the terrace. It consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and a common living room, kitchen and dining room with access to a covered terrace. One outdoor parking space is included in the price. SOLD

S4 - apartment has an area of about 72 m2, of which the inner part occupies 55 m2 and the terrace almost 17 m2. The floor plan of this apartment includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and a living room, kitchen and dining room with access to a covered terrace. One outdoor parking space is also included. SOLD

S5 - penthouse with a roof terrace with a total area of about 151 m2. The total area is divided into 55 m2 of interior space, 19 m2 of terrace and about 76 m2 of roof terrace. The penthouse consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a hallway and a common living room, kitchen and dining room with access to a covered terrace of 19 m2. This apartment also includes two parking spaces in the garage of the residential building. The price is: 500.000 €.

S6 - penthouse with a roof terrace with a total area of about 151 m2, which combines about 55 m2 of interior, 19 m2 of terrace and about 76 m2 of roof terrace. It consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, hallway and living room, open concept kitchen and dining room with access to a covered terrace of 19 m2. Two parking spaces in the building's garage are included in the price. The price is: 500.000 €.