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Stanovi dvosobni
7.000 m²
godina izgradnje

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Splitsko-dalmatinska žup.
Prodamo stanovanje v novi stavbi nad centrom Makarske s čudovitim panoramskim pogledom na morje. Objekt je sestavljen iz kleti - kjer so garaže, visokega pritličja in 3 nadstropij. Pri gradnji so uporabljeni kvalitetni materiali, kot so hrastov parket ali prvovrstna keramika v sobah, na balkonu, v kuhinji in kopalnici, protivlomna Blindo vrata, inštalacije za TV, satelit in internet, talno ogrevanje v celotnem prostoru. celotno stanovanje, multi-split klimatska naprava v vseh prostorih (Mitsubishi ali Daikin), opremljene kopalnice, dovod vode v inox cevi, brezšumne odtočne cevi, kanalete v tuših, alu stavbno pohištvo Schuco s steklenimi ograjami in senčili, sobna vrata z skriti tečaji. Video nadzor skupnih prostorov, fasada obložena s kamnom. Obstaja možnost nakupa garažnega mesta po ceni 20.000 eur.

Apartma A1 se nahaja v visokem pritličju stavbe. Skupna površina je 70.12 m2, obsega pa eno spalnico, hodnik, kopalnico, kuhinjo z jedilnico, dnevno sobo, balkon in teraso.

Mirna lokacija, oddaljenost od morja in centra mesta je cca. 650 m. Nepremičnina idealna za dopust.
Prodaje se stan u novogradnji iznad centra Makarske s prekrasnim panoramskim pogledom na more. Zgrada se sastoji od suterena – gdje su garaže, visokog prizemlja i 3 kata. Pri gradnji se koriste kvalitetni materijali kao što su hrastov parket ili prvoklasna keramika u sobama, te na balkonu, u kuhinji i kupaonici, protuprovalna Blindo vrata, instalacije za TV, satelit, i internet, podno grijanje kroz čitav stan, multi – split sistem klima u svim sobama ( Mitsubishi ili Daikin), opremljene kupaonice, izvedba dovoda vode u cijevima inox izvedbe, bešumne odvodne cijevi, kanalice u tuševima, Schuco aluminijska stolarija sa staklenim ogradama i roletama, sobna vrata sa skrivenim šarkama. Video nadzor zajedničkih prostorija, fasada obložena kamenom. Postoji mogućnost kupnje garažnog mjesta po cijeni od 20.000 eura.

Stan A1 se nalazi u visokom prizemlju zgrade. Ukupna površina 70.12 m2, a sastoji se od jedne spavaće sobe, hodnika, kupaonice, kuhinje s blagovaonicom, dnevnog boravka, terase i balkona.

Mirna lokacija, udaljenost do mora i centra grada je cca. 650 m. Nekretnina idealna za odmor.
Zum Verkauf steht eine Wohnung in einem Neubau oberhalb des Zentrums von Makarska mit wunderschönem Panoramameerblick. Das Gebäude besteht aus einem Keller, in dem sich Garagen befinden, hohen Erdgeschoss und 3 Obergeschosse. Beim Bau wurden hochwertige Materialien wie Eichenparkett und erstklassige Keramik in den Zimmern, auf dem Balkon, in der Küche und im Badezimmer verwendet, einbruchsichere Blindo-Türen, Installationen für TV, Satellit und Internet, Fußbodenheizung in der gesamten Wohnung, Multi-Split-Klimaanlage in allen Zimmern (Mitsubishi oder Daikin), ausgestattete Badezimmer, Wasserversorgung in Edelstahlrohren, geräuschlose Abflussrohre, Dusch-Rinnen, Schuco Fensterbau mit Glaszäunen und Jalousien, Zimmertüren mit versteckten Scharnieren. Videoüberwachung der Gemeinschaftsräume, Fassade mit Stein verkleidet. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, einen Garagenplatz zum Preis von 20.000 Euro zu kaufen.

Die Wohnung A1 befindet sich im oberen Erdgeschoss des Gebäudes. Die Gesamtfläche beträgt 70.12 m2 und es besteht aus einem Schlafzimmer, Flur, Badezimmer, Küche mit Esszimmer, Wohnzimmer, Balkon und Terrasse.

Ruhige Lage, Entfernung zum Meer und zum Stadtzentrum beträgt ca. 650 m. Immobilie ideal für den Urlaub.
Apartment for sale in a new building above the center of Makarska with a beautiful panoramic view of the sea. The building consists of a basement - where there are garages, a high ground floor and 3 floors. During the construction, quality materials such as oak parquet or first-class ceramics are used in the rooms, on the balcony, in the kitchen and bathroom, burglar-proof Blindo doors, installations for TV, satellite, and Internet, underfloor heating throughout the entire apartment, multi-split air conditioning system in in all rooms (Mitsubishi or Daikin), equipped bathrooms, water supply in stainless steel pipes, noiseless drainage pipes, channels in the showers, Schuco aluminum joinery with glass fences and blinds, room doors with hidden hinges. Video surveillance of common areas, facade covered with stone. There is a possibility to buy a garage space at a price of 20,000 euros.

Apartment A1 is located on the upper ground floor of the building. The total area is 70.12 m2, and it consists of one bedroom, hallway, bathroom, kitchen with dining room, living room, balcony and a terrace.

Quiet location, distance to the sea and the city center is approx. 650 m. Property ideal for vacation.
Apartment for sale in a new building above the center of Makarska with a beautiful panoramic view of the sea. The building consists of a basement - where there are garages, a high ground floor and 3 floors. During the construction, quality materials such as oak parquet or first-class ceramics are used in the rooms, on the balcony, in the kitchen and bathroom, burglar-proof Blindo doors, installations for TV, satellite, and Internet, underfloor heating throughout the entire apartment, multi-split air conditioning system in in all rooms (Mitsubishi or Daikin), equipped bathrooms, water supply in stainless steel pipes, noiseless drainage pipes, channels in the showers, Schuco aluminum joinery with glass fences and blinds, room doors with hidden hinges. Video surveillance of common areas, facade covered with stone. There is a possibility to buy a garage space at a price of 20,000 euros.

Apartment A1 is located on the upper ground floor of the building. The total area is 70.12 m2, and it consists of one bedroom, hallway, bathroom, kitchen with dining room, living room, balcony and a terrace.

Quiet location, distance to the sea and the city center is approx. 650 m. Property ideal for vacation.

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