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9789 k
20.000 m²
2.086 m²
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Istarska županija
KAROJBA - okolica, prodajemo prekrasnu vilu sa bazenom.
Kuća se prostire na dvije etaže, u prizemlju se nalazi dnevni boravak, kuhinja sa malom ostavom, blagovaonica i kupaona, te natkrivena terasa,
dok su na katu dvije spavaće sobe, svaka sa svojom kupaonom. Master spavaća soba ima i svoj izlaz na balkon sa kojeg se pruža fantastičan pogled.
Dvije su stvari koje ovu nekretninu čine jedinstvenom na tržištu-
Prva je lokacija- ako tražite potpuni, dragocjeni mir, ovo je mjesto za vas. Zaklonjeni od pogleda susjeda, moći ćete uživati na svojoj okućnici uz bazen,
dok je pred vama čista priroda, zelenilo i na vedrije dane pogled na more u daljini. Iznimno je rijetko naći nekretninu koja je na tako mirnoj lokaciji, a ipak blizu svih sadržaja koji Istru čine tako posebnom (Motovun je na manje od 10 km udaljenosti, u okolici brojne vinarije, agroturizmi i slično)
Druga stvar je zaista jedinstven stil uređenja koji ovu kuću izdvaja iz mnoštva sličnih nekretnina, lagan i prozračan minimalizam koji daje osjećaj mira i rasterećenosti,
bez suvišnih stvari, neutralnih boja, svaki komad namještaja savršeno se spaja u prekrasnu cjelinu.
Prirodni materijali, podovi od mikro cementa, svaki je detalj pomno osmišljen sa ciljem pronalaska idealne mjere estetike i funkcionalnosti.
Okućnica nešto veća od 2.000 m2 uz bazen i sunčalište ostavlja prostora za brojne sadržaje po želji kupca (sport i rekreacija, eko vrtovi i slično)
Zaista jedinstvena nekretnina, ugodno mjesto za život ali i potencijal za posao sa iznajmljivanjem.
Termin za pregled nekretnine, kao i sve dodatne informacije možete dobiti pozivom na 0951977309 ili mailom na
KAROJBA - Umgebung, wir verkaufen eine schöne Villa mit Swimmingpool.
Das Haus erstreckt sich über zwei Etagen. Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich ein Wohnzimmer, eine Küche mit kleiner Speisekammer, ein Esszimmer und ein Badezimmer sowie eine überdachte Terrasse, während sich im ersten Stock zwei Schlafzimmer mit jeweils eigenem Bad befinden Eigenes Bad. Das Hauptschlafzimmer hat einen eigenen Ausgang zum Balkon mit fantastischer Aussicht.
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die diese Immobilie auf dem Markt einzigartig machen:
Das erste ist die Lage – wenn Sie auf der Suche nach vollkommener, kostbarer Ruhe sind, ist dies der richtige Ort für Sie. Versteckt vor den Blicken der Nachbarn können Sie Ihren Garten am Pool in unberührter Natur genießen und an sonnigen Tagen das Meer in der Ferne sehen. Es ist äußerst selten, eine Immobilie zu finden, die sich in einer so ruhigen Lage und dennoch in der Nähe aller Annehmlichkeiten befindet, die Istrien so besonders machen (Motovun ist weniger als 10 km entfernt, zahlreiche Weingüter, Agrotourismusbetriebe und dergleichen sind in der Nähe).
Das Zweite ist ein wirklich einzigartiger Dekorationsstil, der dieses Haus von vielen ähnlichen Häusern unterscheidet, ein heller und luftiger Minimalismus, der ein Gefühl von Ruhe und Erleichterung vermittelt, ohne überflüssige Dinge, neutrale Farben, jedes Möbelstück fügt sich perfekt zu einem schönen Ganzen zusammen .
Natürliche Materialien, Mikrozementböden, jedes Detail wurde sorgfältig entworfen, um das ideale Maß an Ästhetik und Funktionalität zu finden.
Der etwas mehr als 2.000 m2 große Garten neben dem Schwimmbad bietet auf Wunsch des Käufers Raum für zahlreiche Einrichtungen (Sport und Erholung, Ökogärten usw.).

Einen Termin zur Besichtigung der Immobilie sowie weitere Informationen erhalten Sie telefonisch unter 0951977309 oder per E-Mail an
KAROJBA - dintorni, vendiamo una bellissima villa con piscina.
La casa si sviluppa su due piani, al piano terra c'è un soggiorno, una cucina con piccola dispensa, una sala da pranzo e un bagno, ed un terrazzo coperto, mentre al primo piano ci sono due camere da letto, ciascuna con il suo proprio bagno. La camera da letto principale ha la propria uscita sul balcone con una vista fantastica.
Ci sono due cose che rendono questa proprietà unica sul mercato:
Il primo è la posizione: se cerchi la pace completa e preziosa, questo è il posto che fa per te. Nascosto alla vista dei vicini, potrete godervi il vostro giardino a bordo piscina, nella natura incontaminata, e nelle giornate soleggiate potrete vedere il mare in lontananza. È estremamente raro trovare una proprietà che si trovi in ​​una posizione così tranquilla, ma vicina a tutti i servizi che rendono l'Istria così speciale (Motovun è a meno di 10 km di distanza, numerose cantine, agriturismi e simili si trovano nelle vicinanze).
La seconda cosa è uno stile di decorazione davvero unico che distingue questa casa da molte proprietà simili, un minimalismo leggero e arioso che dà una sensazione di pace e sollievo, senza cose superflue, colori neutri, ogni mobile si combina perfettamente in un bellissimo insieme .
Materiali naturali, pavimenti in microcemento, ogni dettaglio è attentamente progettato con l'obiettivo di trovare la misura ideale tra estetica e funzionalità.
Il cortile, poco più grande di 2.000 mq, adiacente alla piscina, lascia spazio a numerose strutture su richiesta dell'acquirente (sport e attività ricreative, eco giardini, ecc.).

È possibile fissare un appuntamento per ispezionare l'immobile, nonché eventuali informazioni aggiuntive, chiamando il numero 0951977309 o via e-mail all'indirizzo
KAROJBA - surroundings, we are selling a beautiful villa with a swimming pool.
The house is spread over two floors, on the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen with a small pantry, a dining room and a bathroom, and a covered terrace.
while upstairs there are two bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. The master bedroom also has its own exit to the balcony with a fantastic view.
There are two things that make this property unique on the market-
The first is the location - if you are looking for complete, precious peace, this is the place for you. Hidden from the view of the neighbors, you will be able to enjoy your garden by the pool,
while in front of you is pure nature, greenery and on clear days a view of the sea in the distance. It is extremely rare to find a property that is in such a quiet location, yet close to all the facilities that make Istria so special (Motovun is less than 10 km away, in the vicinity there are numerous wineries, agritourisms, etc.)
The second thing is a truly unique style of decoration that sets this house apart from many similar properties, a light and airy minimalism that gives a feeling of peace and relief,
no superfluous things, neutral colors, every piece of furniture perfectly blends into a beautiful whole.
Natural materials, micro-cement floors, every detail is carefully designed with the aim of finding the ideal measure of aesthetics and functionality.
The yard, which is slightly larger than 2,000 m2, with a swimming pool and sunbathing area, leaves room for numerous facilities at the buyer's request (sports and recreation, eco gardens, etc.)
A truly unique property, a pleasant place to live but also potential for a rental business.
You can get an appointment to inspect the property, as well as any additional information, by calling 0951977309 or by email at
KAROJBA - surroundings, we are selling a beautiful villa with a swimming pool.
The house is spread over two floors, on the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen with a small pantry, a dining room and a bathroom, and a covered terrace.
while upstairs there are two bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. The master bedroom also has its own exit to the balcony with a fantastic view.
There are two things that make this property unique on the market-
The first is the location - if you are looking for complete, precious peace, this is the place for you. Hidden from the view of the neighbors, you will be able to enjoy your garden by the pool,
while in front of you is pure nature, greenery and on clear days a view of the sea in the distance. It is extremely rare to find a property that is in such a quiet location, yet close to all the facilities that make Istria so special (Motovun is less than 10 km away, in the vicinity there are numerous wineries, agritourisms, etc.)
The second thing is a truly unique style of decoration that sets this house apart from many similar properties, a light and airy minimalism that gives a feeling of peace and relief,
no superfluous things, neutral colors, every piece of furniture perfectly blends into a beautiful whole.
Natural materials, micro-cement floors, every detail is carefully designed with the aim of finding the ideal measure of aesthetics and functionality.
The yard, which is slightly larger than 2,000 m2, with a swimming pool and sunbathing area, leaves room for numerous facilities at the buyer's request (sports and recreation, eco gardens, etc.)
A truly unique property, a pleasant place to live but also potential for a rental business.
You can get an appointment to inspect the property, as well as any additional information, by calling 0951977309 or by email at

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