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Podatki o novogradnji

Stanovi dvosobni
8.300 m²
godina obnove

Podatki o lokaciji

Istarska županija

This special apartment is located in Villa Münz, an architectural and urban beauty built at the beginning of the last century in a recognizable art nouveau style and with an abundance of architectural decorations, located right on the coast.

Villa Münz, a marvelous building that still attracts attention today, is a protected cultural monument of the first category. There are three houses next to each other, with attractive facades, and members of the military elite lived and bought apartments in Villa Münz. There were 14 apartments in the building, in which potable water was introduced, and all of them had installations for gas and electricity. It was a place where only the most select lived, the tenants were primarily Austro-Hungarian officers, and throughout history many famous personalities.

The apartment has an area of ​​83.74 m2 and consists of a kitchen with a dining room, a living room, a large bedroom, a hallway, a bathroom, a storage room and a balcony.
It is located on the 1st floor and has a beautiful view of the sea and the park.
It has been completely renovated, there are new electrical and water installations, central heating with Vaillant appliances and radiators.
Beautiful parquet and stone tiles, large double doors and windows give the apartment a luxurious look.
The apartment is furnished with a new Dan Kitchen with modern appliances.

It is located near all the necessary amenities, within walking distance of the city center.
This is a property that will always have its value, recognized by lovers of Austro-Hungarian villas and historical cultural heritage!

For additional information and viewing appointment call +385/99/320-0008

Ovaj poseban stan se nalazi u vili Münz, arhitektonsko-urbanističkoj krasotici izgrađenoj početkom prošlog stoljeća u prepoznatljivom secesijskom stilu i s obiljem arhitektonskih dekoracija, smještenoj na samoj obali.

Vila Münz, čudesno zdanje koje i danas privlači pozornost, zaštićeni je spomenik kulture prve kategorije. Tri su kuće jedna do druge, s atraktivnim pročeljem, a u vili Münz stanovali su i kupovali stanove pripadnici vojne elite. U zgradi je bilo 14 stanova, u kojima je bila uvedena pitka voda, a svi su imali instalacije za plin i struju. To je bilo mjesto gdje su stanovali samo najizabraniji, stanari su bili prije svega austrougarski časnici, a kroz povijest i mnoge poznate ličnosti.

Stan je površine 83.74 m2, a sastoji se od kuhinje s blagovaonicom, dnevnog boravka, velike spavaće sobe, hodnika, kupaonice, ostave i balkona.
Nalazi se na 1. katu i ima prekrasan pogled na more i park.
Kompletno je renoviran, nove su elektro i vodne instalacije, centralno grijanje s Vaillant uređajima i radijatorima.
Predivan parket i kamene pločice, velika dvokrilna vrata i prozori, stanu daju raskošan izgled.
Stan je namješten novom Dan Kuhinjom s modernim aparatima.

Nalazi se u blizini svih potrebnih sadržaja, na pješačkoj udaljenosti od strogog centra grada.
Ovo je nekretnina koja će uvijek imati svoju vrijednost, a koju prepoznaju ljubitelji austrougarskih vila i povijesne kulturne baštine!

Za sve ostale informacije nazovite 099/320-0011

Diese besondere Wohnung befindet sich in der Villa Münz, einer architektonischen und urbanen Schönheit, die zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts im erkennbaren Jugendstil und mit einer Fülle von architektonischen Dekorationen direkt an der Küste erbaut wurde.

Die Villa Münz, ein wunderbares Gebäude, das noch heute Aufmerksamkeit erregt, ist ein geschütztes Kulturdenkmal der ersten Kategorie. Drei Häuser mit attraktiven Fassaden stehen nebeneinander, in der Villa Münz lebten und kauften Angehörige der Militärelite Wohnungen. In dem Gebäude gab es 14 Wohnungen, in denen Trinkwasser eingeführt wurde, und alle hatten Installationen für Gas und Strom. Es war ein Ort, an dem nur die Auserwählten lebten, die Mieter waren hauptsächlich österreichisch-ungarische Offiziere und im Laufe der Geschichte viele berühmte Persönlichkeiten.

Die Wohnung hat eine Fläche von 83,74 m2 und besteht aus einer Küche mit Esszimmer, einem Wohnzimmer, einem großen Schlafzimmer, einem Flur, einem Badezimmer, einem Abstellraum und einem Balkon.
Es befindet sich im 1. Stock und hat einen schönen Blick auf das Meer und den Park.
Es wurde komplett renoviert, es gibt neue Elektro- und Wasserinstallationen, eine Zentralheizung mit Vaillant-Geräten und Heizkörpern.
Wunderschönes Parkett und Steinfliesen, große Flügeltüren und Fenster verleihen der Wohnung ein luxuriöses Aussehen.
Die Wohnung ist mit einer neuen Dan-Küche mit modernen Geräten ausgestattet.

Es befindet sich in der Nähe aller notwendigen Annehmlichkeiten, nur wenige Gehminuten vom Stadtzentrum entfernt.
Dies ist eine Immobilie, die immer ihren Wert haben wird, der von Liebhabern österreichisch-ungarischer Villen und des historischen Kulturerbes anerkannt wird!

Weitere Informationen und Besichtigungstermine unter +385/99/320-0008

This special apartment is located in Villa Münz, an architectural and urban beauty built at the beginning of the last century in a recognizable art nouveau style and with an abundance of architectural decorations, located right on the coast.

Villa Münz, a marvelous building that still attracts attention today, is a protected cultural monument of the first category. There are three houses next to each other, with attractive facades, and members of the military elite lived and bought apartments in Villa Münz. There were 14 apartments in the building, in which potable water was introduced, and all of them had installations for gas and electricity. It was a place where only the most select lived, the tenants were primarily Austro-Hungarian officers, and throughout history many famous personalities.

The apartment has an area of ​​83.74 m2 and consists of a kitchen with a dining room, a living room, a large bedroom, a hallway, a bathroom, a storage room and a balcony.
It is located on the 1st floor and has a beautiful view of the sea and the park.
It has been completely renovated, there are new electrical and water installations, central heating with Vaillant appliances and radiators.
Beautiful parquet and stone tiles, large double doors and windows give the apartment a luxurious look.
The apartment is furnished with a new Dan Kitchen with modern appliances.

It is located near all the necessary amenities, within walking distance of the city center.
This is a property that will always have its value, recognized by lovers of Austro-Hungarian villas and historical cultural heritage!

For additional information and viewing appointment call +385/99/320-0008

This special apartment is located in Villa Münz, an architectural and urban beauty built at the beginning of the last century in a recognizable art nouveau style and with an abundance of architectural decorations, located right on the coast.

Villa Münz, a marvelous building that still attracts attention today, is a protected cultural monument of the first category. There are three houses next to each other, with attractive facades, and members of the military elite lived and bought apartments in Villa Münz. There were 14 apartments in the building, in which potable water was introduced, and all of them had installations for gas and electricity. It was a place where only the most select lived, the tenants were primarily Austro-Hungarian officers, and throughout history many famous personalities.

The apartment has an area of ​​83.74 m2 and consists of a kitchen with a dining room, a living room, a large bedroom, a hallway, a bathroom, a storage room and a balcony.
It is located on the 1st floor and has a beautiful view of the sea and the park.
It has been completely renovated, there are new electrical and water installations, central heating with Vaillant appliances and radiators.
Beautiful parquet and stone tiles, large double doors and windows give the apartment a luxurious look.
The apartment is furnished with a new Dan Kitchen with modern appliances.

It is located near all the necessary amenities, within walking distance of the city center.
This is a property that will always have its value, recognized by lovers of Austro-Hungarian villas and historical cultural heritage!

For additional information and viewing appointment call +385/99/320-0008

This special apartment is located in Villa Münz, an architectural and urban beauty built at the beginning of the last century in a recognizable art nouveau style and with an abundance of architectural decorations, located right on the coast.

Villa Münz, a marvelous building that still attracts attention today, is a protected cultural monument of the first category. There are three houses next to each other, with attractive facades, and members of the military elite lived and bought apartments in Villa Münz. There were 14 apartments in the building, in which potable water was introduced, and all of them had installations for gas and electricity. It was a place where only the most select lived, the tenants were primarily Austro-Hungarian officers, and throughout history many famous personalities.

The apartment has an area of ​​83.74 m2 and consists of a kitchen with a dining room, a living room, a large bedroom, a hallway, a bathroom, a storage room and a balcony.
It is located on the 1st floor and has a beautiful view of the sea and the park.
It has been completely renovated, there are new electrical and water installations, central heating with Vaillant appliances and radiators.
Beautiful parquet and stone tiles, large double doors and windows give the apartment a luxurious look.
The apartment is furnished with a new Dan Kitchen with modern appliances.

It is located near all the necessary amenities, within walking distance of the city center.
This is a property that will always have its value, recognized by lovers of Austro-Hungarian villas and historical cultural heritage!

For additional information and viewing appointment call +385/99/320-0008

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