Filtriranje 2

Kuće individualna, Primorsko-goranska žup., Mošćenička Draga, Mošćenice

  • prodam
  • 2.250.000
  • 32.000 m²
  • 2022


Podatki o novogradnji

Kuće individualna
32.000 m²
962 m²
godina izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Primorsko-goranska žup.
Mošćenička Draga
OPATSKA RIVIERA - MOŠĆENICE, Na prodaj je moderna luksuzna vila z bazenom in odprtim panoramskim pogledom na Kvarner in kvarnerske otoke. Odlična lokacija le 3 km do morja in lepih plaž.

Ta moderna vila bo v celoti opremljena z vrhunskim italijanskim dizajnerskim pohištvom. Predviden zaključek del je božič 2022.

Vila 320 m2 se nahaja na zemljišču 962 m2, ima 4 spalnice, 4 kopalnice + 1 WC.

Vila se razprostira v treh nadstropjih: v kleti je garaža za več avtomobilov, veliko stopnišče pa vodi v pritličje vile, kjer se nahaja infinity bazen (43 m2) s teraso za sončenje s pogledom na morje, odprt prostor kuhinja z dnevno sobo, ter WC za goste. V tem nadstropju je tudi tehnični prostor, kjer so vsi sistemi ogrevanja in hlajenja narejeni po švicarskih standardih: ogrevanje na toplotne črpalke, talno ogrevanje, solarno ogrevanje sanitarne vode, narejene pa so tudi priprave za solarno ogrevanje celotne vile. . Velike steklene stene po celotni dolžini dnevne sobe in kuhinje zagotavljajo čudovit odprt pogled na modrino Kvarnerskega zaliva, medtem ko kamin na drva v dnevni sobi ustvarja toplo vzdušje pozimi.

V prvem nadstropju so 4 spalnice z lastno kopalnico in izhodom na skupno teraso. Steklene stene in steklene ograje popolnoma odpirajo pogled na morje. Na voljo je tudi pomožni prostor s pralnico in garderobo.

Vila ima pokrito zunanjo teraso (nad bazenom), ki je zasnovana kot prostor za bivanje in sprostitev ter odprto zunanjo teraso (vrt), kjer je zunanja kuhinja, žar in jedilnica. Na zemljišču vile bo urejen sredozemski vrt.

Vila se nahaja poleg slikovitega mesteca na hribu, Mošćenica, 5 minut vožnje od čudovite plaže v Mošćenički Dragi in približno 20 minut vožnje od elegantne Opatije, približno 10 minut od ljubkega Lovrana. Njegova lega zagotavlja lastnikom popoln mir, zasebnost in sproščen dopust, s svojo povezanostjo pa hiter dostop do iskanih destinacij Opatijske riviere.

Vila je opremljena z visoko kakovostno italijansko keramiko, dizajnerskim italijanskim pohištvom, razsvetljavo in dekoracijo. V bližini se nahaja več vrhunskih luksuznih počitniških hiš, ki se zelo uspešno oddajajo v turistični najem, zato predstavlja odlično naložbo za turistični najem luksuznih vil.

Navedena cena se nanaša na popolnoma dokončano in opremljeno vilo. Cena vključuje 25% DDV, kupec ne plača davka na promet nepremičnin. V primeru nakupa pri pravni osebi, registrirani na Hrvaškem, je možno vračilo celotnega DDV-ja po opravljenem nakupu.

Za več informacij in dogovor za ogled pokličite: +385/99/320-0008

MOŠĆENICE, na prodaju je moderna luksuzno opremljena vila smještena u prekrasnom mediteranskom ambijentu s otvorenim panoramskim pogledom na Kvarner i kvarnerske otoke.

Ova vrhunska nekretnina vam pruža moderni dizajn, luksuznu eleganciju, privatnost i komfor, te spektakularni pogled na more, a svojim modernim arhitektonskim stilom i najfinijim materijalima postavlja nove standarde luksuza. Zahvaljujući položaju u mirnom dijelu, uživat ćete u osjećaju privatnosti i u zadivljujućem pogledu na šarmantnu obalu Jadranskog mora.

• 4 spavaće sobe, 4 kupaonice, 1 WC
• površina vile: 320 m2
• povšina zemljišta: 962 m2

Ova arhitektonski moderna vila u potpunosti je opremljena vrhunskim talijanskim dizajnerskim namještajem te nudi vam ultimativan luksuz i komfor. U prizemlju su vam na raspolaganju su vam infinity bazen površine 43 m2 sa sunčalištem s fantastičnim pogledom na more, prostana natkrivena terasa, open space kuhinja s blagovaonicom i dnevnim boravkom te gostinski toalet. Na ovoj razini nalazi se i tehnička soba u kojoj su smješteni svi sustavi grijanja i hlađenja rađeni prema švicarskim standardima: grijanje je putem dizalica topline, grijanje je podno, solarno grijanje je za toplu vodu i napravljena je priprema za solarno grijanje cijele ville. Velike staklene stijene po cijeloj dužini dnevnog boravka i kuhinje omogućuju lijepi otvoreni pogled na plavetnilo Kvarnerskog zaljeva, dok kamin na drva u dnevnom boravku stvara topli zimski ugođaj.

Na prvom katu su smještene 4 prostrane spavaće sobe svaka sa svojim kupaonicama. Sve sobe imaju izlaz na zajedničku terasu, a staklene stijene i staklene ograde u potpunosti otvaraju pogled prema moru. Tu se još nalazi pomoćna prostorija u kojoj je smješten vešeraj.

Okućnica vile je uređena kao mediteranski vrt. Vila ima natkrivenu vanjsku terasu (iznad bazena) koja je zamišljena kao lounge i relax zona te otvorenu vanjsku terasu (vrt) u kojoj je predviđen smještaj vanjske kuhinje, roštilja i blagovaonskog dijela.

Vila je smještena netom do pitoresknog gradića na brdu, Mošćenica, udaljena 5 min vožnje od prekrasne plaže u Mošćeničkoj Dragi i 20-ak minuta vožnje od elegantne Opatije, 10-ak minuta od simpatičnog Lovrana. Svojom pozicijom vlasnicima osigurava apsolutni mir, privatnost i opušteni odmor, a povezanošću brz dolazak do traženih destinacija Opatijske rivijere.

Vila je opremljena vrhunskom talijanskom keramikom, dizajnerskim talijanskim namještajem, rasvjetom i dekoracijama i kao takva se prodaje. U blizini su smještene nekoliko vrhunskih luksuznih kuća za odmor koje se vrlo uspješno turistički iznajmljuju više mjeseci u godini, te stoga predstavlja izvrsnu investiciju za turistički najam luksuznih villa.

Za više informacija i razgled nazovite +385/99/320-0008
OPATIJA RIVIERA - MOŠĆENICE, Zum Verkauf steht eine moderne Luxusvilla mit Swimmingpool und freiem Panoramablick auf Kvarner und die Kvarner-Inseln. Großartige Lage, nur 3 km zum Meer und schönen Stränden.

Diese moderne Villa wird komplett mit hochwertigen italienischen Designermöbeln ausgestattet. Geplanter Abschluss der Arbeiten ist Weihnachten 2022.

Die Villa von 320 m2 befindet sich auf einem Grundstück von 962 m2, verfügt über 4 Schlafzimmer, 4 Badezimmer + 1 WC.

Die Villa erstreckt sich über drei Etagen: Im Untergeschoss befindet sich eine Garage für mehrere Autos, während eine große Treppe ins Erdgeschoss der Villa führt, wo sich ein Infinity-Pool (43 m2) mit einer Sonnenterrasse mit Meerblick befindet Raum Küche mit Wohnzimmer und Gäste-WC. Auf dieser Etage befindet sich auch ein Technikraum, in dem alle Heiz- und Kühlsysteme nach Schweizer Standards ausgeführt sind: Heizung über eine Wärmepumpe, Fußbodenheizung, Solarheizung für Warmwasser und Vorbereitungen für die Solarheizung der gesamten Villa . Große Glaswände über die gesamte Länge des Wohnzimmers und der Küche bieten einen schönen offenen Blick auf die blaue Kvarner Bucht, während der Holzkamin im Wohnzimmer im Winter eine warme Atmosphäre schafft.

Auf der ersten Etage befinden sich 4 Schlafzimmer mit en-suite Badezimmern und Zugang zu einer gemeinsamen Terrasse. Glaswände und Glaszäune öffnen den Blick vollständig auf das Meer. Es gibt auch einen Nebenraum mit einer Waschküche und einem Kleiderschrank.

Die Villa verfügt über eine überdachte Außenterrasse (oberhalb des Pools), die als Lounge- und Entspannungsbereich konzipiert ist, und eine offene Außenterrasse (Garten), auf der sich eine Außenküche, ein Grill und ein Essbereich befinden. Das Grundstück der Villa wird einen mediterranen Garten haben.

Die Villa befindet sich neben der malerischen Stadt auf dem Hügel Mošćenica, 5 Autominuten vom schönen Strand in Mošćenička Draga und etwa 20 Autominuten vom eleganten Opatija, etwa 10 Minuten vom niedlichen Lovran entfernt. Seine Position bietet den Eigentümern absolute Ruhe, Privatsphäre und einen entspannten Urlaub und mit seiner Konnektivität schnellen Zugang zu den begehrten Zielen der Riviera von Opatija.

Die Villa ist mit hochwertiger italienischer Keramik, italienischen Designermöbeln, Beleuchtung und Dekorationen ausgestattet. In der Nähe gibt es mehrere hochwertige Luxusferienhäuser, die sehr erfolgreich an Touristen vermietet werden und daher eine hervorragende Investition für die touristische Vermietung von Luxusvillen darstellen.

Der angegebene Preis bezieht sich auf eine komplett fertiggestellte und möblierte Villa. Der Preis beinhaltet 25% Mehrwertsteuer, der Käufer zahlt keine Grunderwerbssteuer. Beim Kauf über eine in Kroatien registrierte juristische Person ist es möglich, die volle Mehrwertsteuer nach dem Kauf zu erstatten.

Für weitere Informationen und einen Besichtigungstermin rufen Sie an: +385/99/320-0008
OPATIJA RIVIERA - MOŠĆENICE, For sale is a modern luxury villa with swimming pool and open panoramic view of Kvarner and the Kvarner islands. Great location just 3 km to the sea and beautiful beaches.

This modern villa will be completely equipped with top quality Italian designer furniture. The planned completion of the works is Christmas 2022.

The villa of 320 m2 is situated on a land plot of 962 m2, has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms + 1 toilet.

The villa is spread over three floors: in the basement there is a garage for several cars, while a large staircase leads to the ground floor of the villa where there is an infinity pool (43 m2) with a sun deck overlooking the sea, open space kitchen with living room, and guest toilet. On this floor there is also a technical room where are all the heating and cooling systems made according to Swiss standards: heating on a heat pumps, underfloor heating, solar heating for hot water, and preparations have been made for solar heating of the entire villa. Large glass walls along the entire length of the living room and kitchen provide a beautiful open view of the blue Kvarner Bay, while the wood-burning fireplace in the living room creates a warm atmosphere during the winter.

On the first floor there are 4 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and with access to a common terrace. Glass walls and glass fences completely open the view to the sea. There is also an auxiliary room with a laundry room and a wardrobe.

The villa has a covered outdoor terrace (above the pool) which is designed as a lounge and relaxation area and an open outdoor terrace (garden) where is an outdoor kitchen, barbecue and dining area. The villa's grounds will have a Mediterranean garden.

The villa is situated next to the picturesque town on the hill, Mošćenica, 5 minutes' drive from the beautiful beach in Mošćenička Draga and about 20 minutes' drive from elegant Opatija, about 10 minutes from cute Lovran. Its position provides the owners with absolute peace, privacy and a relaxed vacation, and with its connectivity, quick access to the sought-after destinations of the Opatija Riviera.

The villa is equipped with high quality Italian ceramics, designer Italian furniture, lighting and decorations. In the vicinity, there are several top-quality luxury holiday homes that are very successfully rented out to tourists, and therefore it represent an excellent investment for tourist rental of luxury villas.

The stated price refers to a completely finished and furnished villa. The price includes 25% VAT, the buyer doesn’t pay the real estate transfer tax. In case of buying on a legal entity registered in Croatia it is possible to refund full VAT after the purchase.

For more information and viewing appointment call: +385/99/320-0008
OPATIJA RIVIERA - MOŠĆENICE, For sale is a modern luxury villa with swimming pool and open panoramic view of Kvarner and the Kvarner islands. Great location just 3 km to the sea and beautiful beaches.

This modern villa will be completely equipped with top quality Italian designer furniture. The planned completion of the works is Christmas 2022.

The villa of 320 m2 is situated on a land plot of 962 m2, has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms + 1 toilet.

The villa is spread over three floors: in the basement there is a garage for several cars, while a large staircase leads to the ground floor of the villa where there is an infinity pool (43 m2) with a sun deck overlooking the sea, open space kitchen with living room, and guest toilet. On this floor there is also a technical room where are all the heating and cooling systems made according to Swiss standards: heating on a heat pumps, underfloor heating, solar heating for hot water, and preparations have been made for solar heating of the entire villa. Large glass walls along the entire length of the living room and kitchen provide a beautiful open view of the blue Kvarner Bay, while the wood-burning fireplace in the living room creates a warm atmosphere during the winter.

On the first floor there are 4 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and with access to a common terrace. Glass walls and glass fences completely open the view to the sea. There is also an auxiliary room with a laundry room and a wardrobe.

The villa has a covered outdoor terrace (above the pool) which is designed as a lounge and relaxation area and an open outdoor terrace (garden) where is an outdoor kitchen, barbecue and dining area. The villa's grounds will have a Mediterranean garden.

The villa is situated next to the picturesque town on the hill, Mošćenica, 5 minutes' drive from the beautiful beach in Mošćenička Draga and about 20 minutes' drive from elegant Opatija, about 10 minutes from cute Lovran. Its position provides the owners with absolute peace, privacy and a relaxed vacation, and with its connectivity, quick access to the sought-after destinations of the Opatija Riviera.

The villa is equipped with high quality Italian ceramics, designer Italian furniture, lighting and decorations. In the vicinity, there are several top-quality luxury holiday homes that are very successfully rented out to tourists, and therefore it represent an excellent investment for tourist rental of luxury villas.

The stated price refers to a completely finished and furnished villa. The price includes 25% VAT, the buyer doesn’t pay the real estate transfer tax. In case of buying on a legal entity registered in Croatia it is possible to refund full VAT after the purchase.

For more information and viewing appointment call: +385/99/320-0008
OPATIJA RIVIERA - MOŠĆENICE, For sale is a modern luxury villa with swimming pool and open panoramic view of Kvarner and the Kvarner islands. Great location just 3 km to the sea and beautiful beaches.

This modern villa will be completely equipped with top quality Italian designer furniture. The planned completion of the works is Christmas 2022.

The villa of 320 m2 is situated on a land plot of 962 m2, has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms + 1 toilet.

The villa is spread over three floors: in the basement there is a garage for several cars, while a large staircase leads to the ground floor of the villa where there is an infinity pool (43 m2) with a sun deck overlooking the sea, open space kitchen with living room, and guest toilet. On this floor there is also a technical room where are all the heating and cooling systems made according to Swiss standards: heating on a heat pumps, underfloor heating, solar heating for hot water, and preparations have been made for solar heating of the entire villa. Large glass walls along the entire length of the living room and kitchen provide a beautiful open view of the blue Kvarner Bay, while the wood-burning fireplace in the living room creates a warm atmosphere during the winter.

On the first floor there are 4 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and with access to a common terrace. Glass walls and glass fences completely open the view to the sea. There is also an auxiliary room with a laundry room and a wardrobe.

The villa has a covered outdoor terrace (above the pool) which is designed as a lounge and relaxation area and an open outdoor terrace (garden) where is an outdoor kitchen, barbecue and dining area. The villa's grounds will have a Mediterranean garden.

The villa is situated next to the picturesque town on the hill, Mošćenica, 5 minutes' drive from the beautiful beach in Mošćenička Draga and about 20 minutes' drive from elegant Opatija, about 10 minutes from cute Lovran. Its position provides the owners with absolute peace, privacy and a relaxed vacation, and with its connectivity, quick access to the sought-after destinations of the Opatija Riviera.

The villa is equipped with high quality Italian ceramics, designer Italian furniture, lighting and decorations. In the vicinity, there are several top-quality luxury holiday homes that are very successfully rented out to tourists, and therefore it represent an excellent investment for tourist rental of luxury villas.

The stated price refers to a completely finished and furnished villa. The price includes 25% VAT, the buyer doesn’t pay the real estate transfer tax. In case of buying on a legal entity registered in Croatia it is possible to refund full VAT after the purchase.

For more information and viewing appointment call: +385/99/320-0008

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